Willow Grove, Milton Keynes, MK19 6AZ


Old Stratford Primary School

School Uniform

Creating Lifelong Learning Opportunities for Everyone

Uniform is worn at Old Stratford Primary School to develop a sense of pride in being a member of the school community.

Our uniform, books bags, PE bags and fleeces can be purchased from:

Maisies in Wolverton. https://maisies-superstore.co.uk/

Please label your uniform items as it makes it a lot easier to return them if lost.  We recommend using Stikins Labels.



Royal blue school sweatshirt or fleece

White or royal blue polo shirt or collared shirt

Grey or black trousers

Grey or black socks


As above or

Grey shorts


Royal blue school sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece

White or royal blue polo shirt or collared blouse

Grey or black skirt or trousers

White, grey or black socks or tights


As above or

Blue/white gingham dress


Boys and girls:

Shoes: Black school shoes. Pupils may not wear trainers (except for PE), flip flops, beach shoes or open-toe sandals.

Royal Blue fleeces for outdoor wear are also available from the online supplier.

Jewellery: No jewellery may be worn in school. However, if your child has pierced ears, a single, small stud in each ear is permitted. These MUST be removed or ‘taped up’ by the child for PE. Children are permitted to wear a watch.

Hair Styles: Hair should be worn in a reasonable conventional style and long hair must be tied back for health and safety reasons. No extreme hairstyles please and this includes un-natural colours. Hair accessories should be simple and appropriate for school.

PE kit:

Royal blue shorts, plain white t-shirt, plimsolls/trainers in a named bag. School PE bags are available.

For swimming lessons (key stage two), boys should wear swimming trunks and girls, an all-in-one swim suit. Girls and boys both need swimming hats (available via the school office) and a large towel.