News and Updates
Creating Lifelong Learning Opportunities for Everyone
Friday 14th June, Year 2 had an exciting adventure when they visited Everdon Activity Centre. The children had a fantastic time exploring the wildlife and enjoying the great outdoors with their friends. They embarked on a journey through the woods, playing games and immersing themselves in nature.
Despite walking a great distance, we are proud to report that all the children behaved beautifully throughout the trip. We would like to extend a special thank you to the staff members who stepped in at the last minute to accompany the children, ensuring the trip was a success. As expected, the day's activities left our little adventurers tired but happy, with memories that will last a lifetime. We are delighted to see our students embracing new experiences and creating lasting bonds with peers.
We are thrilled to share that on Monday 10th June, Year 5 and 6 students participated in a captivating Poetry assembly led by the talented poet, Harry Baker. The assembly was a wonderful opportunity to explore the beauty of language and creativity. Following the assembly, a group of Year 5 and 6 students had the prvieldge of attending a special workshop at Jubilee Wood Scool, facilitated by Harry Baker himself. During the workshop, the students had the chance to unleash their creativity and craft their own poetry pieces.
On Friday 24th May, our talented gymnastics team participated in a thrilling competition held at Kings Park Northampton. The team, consisting of 4 dedicated girls, had put in hours of hard work perfecting their routines and vaults. Their efforts brought home 3 gold medals and a silver! But the achievements did not stop there. The team's outstanding perfomance has secured them a well-deserved spot in the grand final, schedulaed to take place later this term. We couldn't be prouder of our gymnasts and eagerly anticipate their representation of Old Stratford in the upcoming final event.
On Friday 7th June, Year 3 students had an unforgettable trip to Caldecotte Activity Centre. The children immersed themselves in a day filled with thrilling outdoor activities such as climbing, abseiling and paddle boarding. It was heartwarming to witness the students enthusiastically participating in all of the activities, showcasing their courage and determination. We are proud to report that the behaviour displayed by our children was exemplary, reflecting the values of respect and responsibility instilled at school.
We are excited to share the amazing work of our Year 6 children in their recent Design and Technology project. Our children have been combining their science knowledge and skills to create miniature fairground rides using electrical circuits and switches. This hands on project not only showcases theri creativity but also reinforces their understanding of scientific concepts in a fun and engaging way. Check out a selection of their work:
We are thrilled to announce that our Year 6 students have successfully completed their SATs tests. We are incredibly proud of the maturity, determination and calmness they have displayed throughout this challenging week. To support our Year 6 students, they enjoyed a special 'Brainy Breakfast' each morning to start their day off right. And to celebrate the end of SATs week, they had a blast with a traditional Year 6 water fight under the sunny skies.
Congratualtions to all our Year 6 students for their hard work and resililience. Well done, everyybody!
Year 2 students at Old Stratford Primary School have been hard at work in Design and Technology (DT) class, where they have been crafting beautiful purses. This project has allowed them to enhance their needlework skills, and they are thrilled with the final results. We are proud to showcase the creativity and dedication of our Year 2 students. Well done Year 2!
On Thursday 7th March, Old Stratford pupils took part in an exciting celebration of World Book Day. The children enjoyed coming to school in costumes inspired by their favourite book characters. Teachers organised engaging book themed activities that captivated the children's imaginations. The children also enjoyed sharing their favourite books with peers from across the school fostering the love of reading.
We are thrilled to highlight the commendable actions of Priya and Sachin from our school community. After learning about the Hygeine Bank in school, they generously volunteered their time to support the charity. Their dedication and selflessness serves as a shining example to us all. Priya and Sachin, your kindness and commitment are truly inspiring. Well done on your remarkable contribution!
A huge thank you to everybody who donated to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal this year. The school raised an impressive £315.94.
November 2023, the Student Council did a fabulous job organising the Harvest Festival. They scripted and led the assembly as well as organised an afternoon where all year groups shared their work on Harvest. All donations of tinned products went to the local foodbank.
October 2023, Year 2 enjoyed having fun and getting messy making bird feeders as part of their instructions unit in English. Well done Year 2!
In October, Year 3 had great fun making castles. They were learning how to attach different materials together and making decisions about which materials would be most suitable to ensure the model was strudy.
September 2023, Year 6 went off on their residential trip to Condover Hall where they took part in a number of outdoor adventurous activities. What a wonderful way to start the year. Visit our gallery for more photos.
Year 3 had a very productive start to the year as they learnt some cyclist road safety with Bikeability.
On Wednesday 21st June, Year 5 and 6 sent a team of rounders players to a Trust Tournament at Jubilee Wood. It was great to see all four schools come together for some competetive sport. Well done to everyone who took part.
Year 3 had a wonderful time at Caldecotte Outdoor Learning Centre in Milton Keynes on Wednesday 21st June. The sun shone all day allowing them to enjoy a funpacked day full of outdoor activities. They enjoyed, canoeing, zorbing and climbing whist challenging themselves, having fun and working together to discover what they can achieve.
On Friday the 9th of June our Year 1 children enjoyed a trip to Gullivers Dinosaur and Farm Park. They had an excellent time getting up close to the dinosaurs and enjoyed some jurassic activities along the way.
Year 6 had a fabulous time celebrating the end of SATs tests. They took to the field, water pistols in hand and had a fun time soaking each other in the sunshine. A well deserved treat Year 6, well done for all of your hard work!
Friday 5th May. Today we celebrated the King's Coronation with various regal activities organised by the School Council. We finished the day with a party where the whole school came together to share party food in the hall. Look out on our photo gallery for more photos of the day.
What an amazing day for Year 6. Inspired by their Global Topic on Identity and Diversity, they have completed their charity 10km bike ride and have raised over £500 for 'Operation Smile' which is a charity to help children born with cleft lip and cleft palate. This charity provides safe surgeries for children across the world. This is a great achievement. Well done Year 6!
This week the children have had a visit from the Life Education Learning tent. Each class has enjoyed a session which has revolved around relationships, health, wellbeing or drugs education.
On Wednesday 26th April, the children enjoyed a classic literature adaption of the novel 'Oliver Twist'. The children were fully immersed in the re-telling of this classic tale which was full of energy, music and fun. Following the performance Year 6 took part in a theatre workshop led by the production company. What a fabulous mid-week treat for all the children.
On Monday 24th April, Year 2 enjoyed a trip out to Everdon Outdoor Leaning Centre. They had a fabulous time exploring the local environment and developing map reading, orientation and compass skills. The woods were a perfect place to also play some games and enjoy the wildlife.
On Friday 17th March the Student Council organised a Spring Extravaganza to raise money for a local charity. The charity chosen by the Student Council was 'Old Stratford In Bloom'. The day began with a Spring themed assembly where the children shared the work they had been doing on Spring, throughout the week. All work was displayed in the hall for all to see. Parents were invited in to view the work as well as buy a cake from the cake sale. The Student Council were pleased with the impressive £358 they made for their chosen charity.
The children had a fabulous day yesterday (Thursday 2nd March) celebrating World Book Day. The children came into school dressed as their favourite book character and enjoyed a day filled with book related activities.
We also celebrated the winners of the OSSA reading competition. Well done to everybody who took part. The winners recieved a new book and everybody who took part recieved a book mark.
Run for Ukraine - Monday 12th September
A big thank you to all who came and Ran for Ukraine on Monday. We raised a total of £120.00
The BIG Year 5 Sleepover - Friday 20th July
The beds are made, dinner is soon in the oven ready for the Big Year 5 sleepover. Excitement is building ! One of the Year 5 class was overheard as saying "I can't wait for tonight I haven't had a sleepover for 3 years !"
How lucky were we? We had a fantastic Sports Day this morning with lots of smiles, cheering and screaming for each other. Yellow house were the overall winners on points. We do feel that we were particularly lucky as minutes after Sports Day had finished the clouds gathered and the rain came down. Well done to everyone who took part !
Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed a wonderful trip to London. We loved spotting all of the London landmarks that we’d learnt about and Mrs Wilsdon was an excellent tour guide on the coach! We had a picnic by the Thames and played lots of fun games in the sun but the highlight of our trip was definitely going on the London Eye. What a superb view! We arrived home late but with lots of wonderful memories.
Reception had an amazing trip to Stratford Butterfly Farm where they had Butterflies flying all around them and landing on them. The children loved their trip and all bought themselves a little reminder at the gift shop.
Year 6 had an amazing day at Irthlingborough Rock Uk centre.
On the hottest day of the Year, our Year 4 class had the most amazing day at Holdenby House in Northamptonshire. Miss MacDonald said all the children had an amazing day and I am sure they cannot wait to tell you all about it. Such a fantastic photo of them all.
Today we had an amazing Science Day where we had the pleasure of Sublime Scientist Josh in our school to show us some amazing science! The air cannons were by far the most amazing and were the favorite of the whole school and who knew why skittles colors do not mix when placed in water on a plate? Try it at home !
What an amazing week we have had celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Every class has been involved this week with activities including painting portraits, designing stamps for the decade, they have made Royal themed crowns and made decorated biscuits. We have just had a school assembly where all the children sung the National Anthem and now the children are making their way outside where their party awaits them with party games, party food and drinks. The children will be bringing home a gift which has been donated by Old Stratford Parish Council and a book from the Department of Education.
In assembly today we celebrated the achievements of KS2 with their amazing swimming success and Year 3 & 4 Bikeability achievements.
Today we were very lucky to have a Theatre Production come into school and perform Treasure Island. It was so good to have everybody back in the hall together and everyone had so much fun. Ask your children about the performance and ask them how on earth the pirate came out of the big screen ! It was Magic !
Today our year 5 & 6's are at the Resorts World Arena in Birmingham singing in the amazing Young Voices concert. They have arrived safely and are tucking into their first packed lunch of the day. If you are attending this evening we hope you have a wonderful time.
We have been so lucky today to have a visit from the Life Education Bus which is now a fabulous tent ! There has been lots of laughter coming from the tent so please ask your children what did they learn in there ?
We have been busy in School today. Thank you to all parents who bought in their old clothes and bits for Bags to School. The bags were collected today and have raised £56 for OSSA.
Year 4 held a Bake and Book Sale after school, monies raised to go to Refugee MK. The cakes looked amazing so well done to all the Year 4 parents who helped their children bake. The grand sum of £155 was raised which is an amazing achievement. Well done to all who baked, read and ate. And a huge thank you to Mrs Bellew and the OSSA helpers who came along to help sell. Thank you !
School was red today for Red Nose Day, jokes were being told around the school and children were making the most of the sunshine outside today. Thank you for all your donations today, we are awaiting the final amount.
BIKEABILITY - March Sessions
Years 5 & 6 have taken part in Bikeability this week in school and around Old Stratford. You may well have seen your child whizzing carefully around the village on their pristine bikes. A lot of fun was had whilst learning to ride their bike with excellent control and preparing for cycling on the road. Some were luckier with the weather than others.
Today school is buzzing with everyone in school dressed up in their favourite characters and having so much fun ! There are all sorts of activities going on today including class swapping and quiz's. Gangsta Granny (Mrs Faraday) is in charge of the fun today and has actually arrived on her scooter ! The costumes the children have come in are amazing, some of the children are hard to recognise under their orange faces and green hair.
Yesterday Thursday 20th January Year 1 made some models of amphibians and reptiles as part of our Science topic – Animals including Humans. The children really enjoyed using the clay to create their animals.
Reception class has been wrapped up by the naughty Enzo ! Mr Andrews and the class came in this morning to find that Enzo had wrapped up the classroom, Enzo also seems to have had a fellow elf involved called Edith ! After they had wrapped up the classroom they proceeded to wrap themselves up. Reception class could not believe their eyes when they arrived this morning, thankfully it was so much fun when the children unwrapped the class ready for our class party today. Thank you to all the parents for the wonderful gifts. Mr Andrews and Mrs Watt.
Today Wednesday 15th December we had our wonderful Christmas Dinner cooked by our wonderful cook Mrs Curtis. Here are some pictures from the hall, the children had such a lovely time listening to Christmas music. We would like to thank OSSA for supplying the crackers for the children.
On Thursday 9th December Year 1 had their very own Great Fire of Old Stratford. The children were very excited (and a bit sad) to see their Tudor Houses burn down! They watched from a distance as the fire spread from house to house. We hope this will be an Old Stratford School memory that lasts a lifetime!
The tree is up ! The Lights are on ! And today the tree was decorated. Look how beautiful it is.
Christmas Donations
A huge thank you to all our parents who have kindly donated toiletries for this year's charity donation to "It's in the bag". Mrs Wilsdon has already dropped off a boot load of toiletries to The Hygiene Bank and has another boot full to take ! Thank you all for your donations as we have really made a difference.
Reception had a visitor arrive today by zip wire ! Enzo the naughty elf arrived this morning and flew into the class on a zip wire with a letter on his back. The letter said that Santa had sent Enzo to keep an eye on us and report back to him who is being good and who is being naughty. Mr Andrews will be keeping a very close eye on Enzo as he feels Enzo maybe here to cause mischief. Ask your children what Enzo has been doing in the classroom.
On Friday 19th November we asked the children to dress up in their mufti clothes, spotty yellow clothes and anything Pudsey. The children had a great day and with your generous donations we raised £211.56. Thank you for all your kind donations.
Greek Day
On Wednesday 2nd November we had an Ancient Greek Day, we had a quiz on our Ancient Greek myth knowledge. Afterwards, we went into the hall where we met Nikos who showed us his ‘Time travelling Tape Measure’. Then we did another quiz where there were 8 quiz boards, filled with information which we used to find the answers.
Next we acted out: Daedalus and Icarus, the Greek myth. Nikos called some people up to act out the characters and tell the story.
Then we played the Ancient Greek game Pteaua which was played by heroes before a battle. After that, we made the stomachia, the Archimedes puzzle, it had three wooden triangles which you had to use to form a square on other different shapes.
After lunch we performed another play which was part two of Daedalus and Icarus: Theseus and the Minatour. We used Faith’s robe as a sail for the ship.
Next we looked at some Ancient Greek weapons and Armour. The Armour was mostly made out of linen and the weapons were made out of bronze. Afterwards we learnt some military commands which included ‘Steappa’ ‘Hoplitis’ and ‘Domis’.
Finally we hosted our own Olympic Games between Athens and Sparta. Sparta won, that was our Greek Day.
By Lily and Seren Year 5
Thursday 3rd December 2020
We are very proud of these 2 students for their hard work collecting treats and selection boxes for the local Food Bank.
Click on the link below for the whole story.
Latest School Events
- Year 3/4 Football Deanshanger01Apr2025
3:45 pm - 4:45 pm
- VIP Assembly03Apr2025
- School Breaks up for Easter 2.30pm04Apr2025
- Easter Holiday07Apr2025
- School Re-opens22Apr2025
- World Earth Day22Apr2025
- Hockey @ Deanshanger23Apr2025
3:45 pm - 4:45 pm
- Life Education Bus29Apr2025
- Life Education Bus30Apr2025
- Class Photos01May2025
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Tuesday 30th June 2020
It's a good news day for Old Stratford Primary School.
Click on the link below for the full story!
Friday 22nd May
Reopening Guidance for parents
Letter from Governors - COVID 19
Friday 20th March
It has been a very sad day today as we said goodbye to the children not knowing when we will see them again. I know this is going to be a very difficult time for everybody. Please stay safe and stay at home as much as you can. Although it maybe tempting to have play dates and socialise, try and resist as this virus is silent and invisible.
Our office will stay open for as long as possible so if you need any help or support please use us as a contact, we will try and help in any way that we can. We can easily be a help centre with school jotter as a resource. So if you need anything then please contact us and we can get a message out to the community if needed.
And to Year 6 that have missed out on so much this year, we will not forget that you haven't had the ending that you deserve. We will organise the biggest party for you all when this all blows over.
As a school we will keep you updated of openings. We will keep posting ideas for work onto the year group pages on the website. We will support you in any way that we can.
Wednesday 11th March
The government is closely monitoring the spread of the Coronavirus and is taking action at home and abroad.
The overall risk of Coronavirus to the UK remains moderate. However we understand that people may be concerned where there are children, students or staff returning from or visiting other countries.
Public Health England and the Foreign Office have issued advice for anyone travelling to affected areas. This can be found at:
Latest information and advice can also be found at:
Advice for parents/guardians
You should not be unduly worried about the possibility of your children catching the Coronavirus.
There is no reason why your children should not continue to attend their school or further education setting as normal. If your child does display symptoms related to Coronavirus please call 111 for advice. Please then let the school know that this has happened.
We recognise that some families or children may be planning to travel during the forthcoming Easter holiday period. If so, please refer to the FCO’s latest travel advice via the link above.
What action you can take
A UK wide campaign has been launched to provide clear advice on how to slow the spread of Coronavirus.
Please help to support the campaign which promotes basic hygiene practices, such as regularly washing hands and always sneezing into a tissue, to stem the spread of viruses